Welcome to the RFT Search Group Blog!

Your resource for all things recruiting!

Our blog is dedicated to helping both employers and job seekers navigate the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment. Plus, some random commentary thrown in so you get to know us.

Wait, what?! Did I read that right?!

Please read this article before you read this blog post….. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43655299/ns/business-personal_finance/ OK, deep breath….First, I’d like to clarify what I just read….a CEO in New Zealand thinks that ‘menstruation makes women less productive in the workplace than men”. AND, he’s the CEO of New Zealand’s Employers and Manufacturers Association? So, let me back up for […]

Wait, what?! Did I read that right?! Read More »

The Price of Halloween

According to this article on www.msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39346852/ns/business-retail/), Americans will spend an estimated $5.8 billion on Halloween this year. The National Retail Federation indicates that people are going to spend about 18% more on Halloween this year than last, totaling about $66 per person. The break out is approximately $24 for a costume, $20 on candy

The Price of Halloween Read More »

Ford posts profits; Arts, Beats & Eats moves to Royal Oak and the Red Wings are again in the Stanley Cup Playoffs

So much is happening in Metro Detroit, it’s hard to keep up! 2010 has started out with a bang; I’ve barely had time to update the blog. The good news is things are happening and people are getting hired. Despite what you may hear in the news, companies are hiring. There have been days when

Ford posts profits; Arts, Beats & Eats moves to Royal Oak and the Red Wings are again in the Stanley Cup Playoffs Read More »

‘If you won’t do something with your spouse/partner, they’ll find someone who will.’

Pretty simple statement, but also a very powerful one. In any relationship there has to be something, or a multiple of things that bring the two parties together. When this doesn’t happen often times one or both parties look elsewhere. Before we got to this point, however, we probably argued, yelled and screamed and went

‘If you won’t do something with your spouse/partner, they’ll find someone who will.’ Read More »

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