2019:  It’s a Wrap!

I don’t usually do year end posts, but this year seems like it needed one.

The end of this year brought an addition to our team, baby Oliver! He’s the cutest, most adorable, quietest baby I’ve ever experienced. Trying to minimize the pregnancy due to my age was tough! I’m sure people just thought I was getting bigger and bigger thanks to my love of chocolate and bacon. Nope, it was a baby. Props to those who noticed and didn’t say anything. I appreciate you.

In the ying/yang of things, we also had a loss this year with the passing of a favorite client. His absence will be felt. I can’t say much more about that as I’m still processing.

And as always to our clients, candidates and friends, thank you for a great year. Looking forward to reconnecting after the holidays!

If you or anyone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact someone immediately. Dial 988 for help in the US.