The Staffing and Recruiting Revolution?

We recently began a revamp of our website.  One of the first things the experts tell you, is to look at your competitors websites.  Something I learned very quickly in that process is the entire staffing and recruiting industry is being revolutionized.  How?  In digging into their marketing a little further it looks like simply being up front with pricing and communicating with the client is the revolutionary idea.

I asked myself what that would a real revolutionizing of the industry look like and would a client care?  What does a client want?  It seems to me a client simply wants to find new employees who match what they are looking for as easily and as affordably as possible.  Is taking care of your clients now a revolutionary idea?  What were these places doing before?

I started RFT in February of 2012 and have been involved in the day to day ever since.  I have a science degree, I worked in R&D out of college, and I have no idea how someone revolutionizes something like the staffing and recruiting industry.  Maybe I don’t understand how, because what they are calling a revolutionary idea, is what we have always done.  We have always made taking care of our clients a priority.  That seems like going back to the basics, not a revolutionary idea. 

In the mid 2000s I had a small technology company and the owner of my largest manufacturing customer asked me a question one day.  He said “Jason, what’s the difference between cutting edge technology and obsolete technology?” I gave him some song and dance reasons why cutting edge was better and he responded, “Obsolete always works.  All the bugs have been worked out of it and we don’t have to waste time troubleshooting a problem no one has ever seen before.”  As I read about all these staffing and recruiting companies revolutionizing the industry, I was reminded of that customer.  Does a client in the staffing and recruiting industry want a revolutionized solution?  Or do they just want someone who is going to care about them, their business and finding them the best employee on the market? 

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